Hello World! Redux

This is my first post in quite some time. As you can see, the site looks a little bit different. I recently received an invitation to blog on Svbtle and thought since my site was aging that I’d give it a try. Hoping to post more regularly as this new year begins. I also plan on blogging more than just information security topics this year. Looking to break into some posts on information retrieval, search, big data and a few other topics. I’ll be posting up the old blog posts in case anyone is looking for them. I’m very excited to kick this new blog off, cya soon.


Now read this

Tales from the Cryptography: The Terrifying Math Explained - Part 1

Most public key cryptosystems are mathematically hard and hard on the eyes. If you visit some of the Wikipedia pages for these cryptosystems, your eyes may start to get sore from looking at the intense mathematical equations. In this... Continue →